
How to make laptop keyboard backlit
How to make laptop keyboard backlit

how to make laptop keyboard backlit

If the information I've provided was helpful, give us some reinforcement by clicking the "Solution Accepted" on this Post and it will also help other community members with similar issue. note:If you select Never, the backlight remains on which could quickly drain the notebook battery power. Press the spacebar to open the keyboard backlight settings, and then select the timeout setting you want. In the Built-in Device Options, select Backlit keyboard timeout. Navigate to Built-in Device Options, and then press Enter. When the BIOS opens, use the arrow keys to navigate to the Advanced tab. Backlit keyboards make typing in low-light conditions a whole lot easier, and if you bought your laptop within the last few years, chances are you have one.

how to make laptop keyboard backlit

Restart the notebook, and then immediately press the F10 repeatedly until the BIOS opens. Your BIOS version and screens might vary. Note:If there is not a setting for the backlight timing in the BIOS, this behavior might not be supported on the notebook. If the blacklight stays on for only a few seconds, the backlight timeout setting might need configuring in the BIOS. I have gone through your Post and would like to help

How to make laptop keyboard backlit